
3-year-old Nhu Y with an unfulfilled life

3-year-old Nhu Y with an unfulfilled life

Nhu Y was born on March 8th, 2017 in Binh Dinh province, unfortunately her bladdeers were exposed at birth. This is one of the most severe birth defects of the urinary system.

When Nhu Y's mother went for medical ultrasound examination, the doctor said that the baby was normal with no disease detected. However, things were turning otherwise when she was born, so the family had to the bring her to hospitals by hospitals but could not find anywhere for her treatment. In contrary to the happiness of a new member, Nhu Y's family struggled in finding the cure for her disease so that she could live normal life like many other students. Firstly, the family transferred the baby to a hospital in Quy Nhon for treatment in nearly a month due to her infection. When the baby was 3 months old, she was taken to Children's Hospital 2 in which the doctor only examined her exposed bladder but couldn't do anything better. By that time, her family learned about the Thien Nhan & Friends Program by chance; Thus, Nhu Y's family sent her to Da Nang for examination right when she turn 4 month olds.

“I used to stay at home to look after her without going to work. I was always by her side to clean and take care of her as my husband worked as a farmer. When the baby was 8 months old, the program announced and scheduled her surgery, so we took the baby to Da Nang for the first surgery to put the bladder back inside. As the first surgery took place, she couldn't go to the toilet in a normal way and had to wear diapers all day because the water leaked out as much as the food and drink she consumed.”

“Meanwhile, Nhu Y has already turned 3 years old and still couldn't can go to the toilet normally. She has been wearing diapers since she was born, and sometimes in the summer's hot weather, she tends to have diaper rash so her diaper must be changed 4-5 times a day. She is not self-controlled while urinating, so her urine just goes out like that" Nhu Y's mother shared.

She grew slowly, and her body temperature were high due to increasing antibiotics usage. Before the surgery, she can only lie in one place, unable to close her legs. So by that time, the doctor performed the surgery to put the bladder back inside and then made the legs fixed in form.

Nhu Y still needs at least 2 surgeries to free herself  the diapers and be able to function normally - which is the greatest wish of the parents whom gave birth to her.

Let's show Nhu Y that there are still more caring, loving and supportive people willing to build her a better future. 


Together we are rushing to promote this campaign with the goal of bringing. This is an urgent campaign at the moment. Let's join hands to be able to timely support for difficult situations.

MỤC TIÊU: $70000000

Donation Target


Đã cập nhập đến ngày 2024/09/25






