
Thien Nhan & Friends

Thien Nhan & Friends

"Donate to create miracle"

Join Thien Nhan & Friends to bring magic into the lives of vulnerable children.

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The Child Genital Reconstruction Surgery Program provides free surgeries for poor Vietnamese children suffering severe genital birth defects or loss of genitals trauma. It also provides family financial support and travel costs.

The program was inspired by "Miracle Baby" Thien Nhan, an infant that was discarded at birth and left in a jungle. He suffered severe genital injuries and loss of one leg a brutal mauling by wild animals. He has been adopted since then and lives happily with his new family in Hanoi, Vietnam.

After news spread of Thien Nhan's successful surgery in Italy, poor families throughout Vietnam came forward with their own tragic situations. This was the catalyst for philanthropists Greig Craft, adopted mother Tran Mai Anh, and Dr. Roberto De Castro as they decided to establish the program. Genital problems are not typically discussed in Asian society, but Thien Nhan's story changed this. 497 surgeries have been carried out as of 2019.

Donors Post

Duy Phạm Đức

Duy Phạm Đức

10:20 09-07-2021

4.000.000 đ

Duy Phạm Đức

Duy Phạm Đức

07:49 09-07-2021

4.000.000 đ

14:21 09-07-2021

4.000.000 đ

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