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Fairy tale of Thien Nhan after 13 years of genital surgery

9 years attached to the potty because of genital malformations, through 25 large and small surgeries, now, Son "green potty" has confidently fulfilled his simple wish: not having to sit on the potty all day. again.

9 years attached to the potty because of genital malformations, through 25 large and small surgeries, now, Son "green potty" has confidently fulfilled his simple wish: not having to sit on the potty all day. again.

"There is a boy named Son, also known as Son "blue potty" because for many years he could not go to the toilet actively, had to sit on the potty all day, "doctor Roberto De Castro - one of the people accompanying the volunteer project of surgery for poor children with disabilities "Thien Nhan and friends" for nearly 10 years said.
Son was born with a deformity that the doctors all shook his head back

Nguyen Van Thanh Son's lower half is fully open and flows 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The more he ate and drank, the more the potty and the boy suffered.
The boy was born in 2007 with severe genital malformation with open abdominal wall manifestations with clearly visible part of the bladder. The boy did not even have an anus, no external genitalia, urination and defecation in the same way, exiting through a small hole in the abdominal wall. You don^t even have an inguinal skeleton...

Son's deformity was too severe, so many doctors advised his family to take Son home to take care of the aftermath.
Experiencing about 25 large and small surgeries

In 2007, his parents carried Son over thousands of kilometers and brought him  Thanh Hoa to Ho Chi Minh City. HCM to perform surgery to separate the urinary and defecation tracts by creating a prosthesis on the left side abdominal wall and inserting the bladder into the abdomen.
The outcome of the surgery was not as expected. After a while his bladder was exposed again, because he did not have an inguinal skeleton to hold the bladder in his body.

2 years later, Son continued to have surgery for the second time. This time, the doctors brought the anus back to the right natural position. After the surgery, he had urinary and bowel incontinence, causing his new anus to be red all the time and having to sit on the potty all day.

In June 2012, Son underwent surgery to reconstruct the bladder structure.

In June 2014, Son had 4 doctors, Dr. Roberto DeCastro, Dr. Emilio Merlini, Dr. Aurelie Chiappinelli  Italy and Dr. Dinh Tue  Houston, USA, to close the abdominal wall and bladder wall. The surgery lasted 10 hours.
After restoring the abdominal wall structure and re-examination for Son in June 2016, in November 2016, the doctors continued to perform surgery for the boy, the next step is to separate the digestive tract to help him gradually recover. control personal hygiene.

"The end of the world is here!", Son lamented on the day of his follow-up visit more than half a year after the memorable surgery at the end of 2016 when doctors successfully closed the pubic bone, closed the abdominal cavity, and successfully separated the fecal and urinary tracts. for the boy.

Doctor Roberto checked the place where solid waste was drained in Son's abdomen. It was a hole around the waste bag his father made. The part adjacent to the incision is half a female sanitary napkin cut in half, a circular hole is cut in the middle with a clean plastic bag and held in place by a large elastic band.

Father Du also cleverly made 2 iron hooks on both sides to keep the mouth of the bag  opening.

No matter what, Son's parents did not give up, going everywhere to ask for help to cure his illness
"But it's like the night Son had a dream, his hands scratched his stomach, but it deviated a bit, and in the morning his father cleaned it up," Mr. Du shared.

Mr. Du gently removed the wrapping, took a paper to dip a little yellow fluid  the hole so that the doctor could check it clean.

Son grumbled: "If you get out of the potty, then grab the bag! Less than 3 packs a day, 6 or 7 packs a lot!"

Mr. Du just laughed when he heard that. So, Son Bo Xanh has undergone about 25 large and small surgeries. In it, there are many surgeries that last  morning to night.

In 2017, Son was more than 9 years old, he was able to get out of the green potty after the surgeons separated the digestive part, helping him gradually control his personal hygiene better.

Paint of the year 11 years old
From the first days of meeting foreign doctors, Son dreamed of being good at English. He wanted to be able to tell foreign doctors about his illness, and listen to the doctors himself to know if the disease was curable or not. A little further, Son talked about the day he was healed and cured.

11 years ago, a baby boy was born with the lower half of his body  the pelvis, bladder, anus... all missing and deformed and was then considered dead by the hospital where he was born without emergency care. House.

Son of 10 years old, he was able to wear a uniform, carry a book to school with a nametag of grade 1 C, Quy Loc primary school, Thanh Hoa.

Son of 11 years old, was in 2nd grade, in the same class as his classmates 4 years younger than him. Now he is learning English very well, last semester he was also the best student in the class.
Mr. Du did not give up his child for a moment, hugged the deformed boy and only prayed for the doctors to save his life.

"So  now on he can go to school, he doesn^t have to hang out with the potty next to him!", Mr. Du smiled as if he was afraid that his joy would be taken away.

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