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Tran Thien Phuoc

Family background: Parents died. Phuoc is living with his grandmother. Grandma does not have a stable income, she takes onions and garlic to peel, the salary for each kilogram of onions and garlic is 1,000 VND. Every day she sheds 15-20 kg. Due to low income, the couple could not afford to rent a house, so they set up tents to live in the clearing area.

Family background: Parents died. Phuoc is living with his grandmother. Grandma does not have a stable income, she takes onions and garlic to peel, the salary for each kilogram of onions and garlic is 1,000 VND. Every day she sheds 15-20 kg. Due to low income, the couple could not afford to rent a house, so they set up tents to live in the clearing area.

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