
Bright-eyed 3-year-old girl with 6 times of surgery

Bright-eyed 3-year-old girl with 6 times of surgery

Tran Thi Tuyet Vy was born on April 7th, 2016 in Da Nang city, when the doctor noticed the baby's abnormality, he immediately told her family to take her to 600-bed Hospital for sex chromosome testing. On examination, Tuyet Vy was diagnosed with a cloaca and imperforate anus. This is considered a rare abnormality, and the treatment is extremely complicated because the urethra, vagina and anus all share the same passageway.

Tuyet Vy had her first operation at the age of 15 days old, and she was able to urinate after the surgery; However, when she was about to be discharged  the hospital, she could not urinate anymore, so Vy had to be retained in the hospital for further treatments. The second surgery was performed on 1-month-old Tuyet Vy to bring the bladders to the skin. Nonetheless, after 2 operations had been performed in a single month, there were several wounds and incisions on her body that later on caused an urinary infection, so, for every 1 week, had to hospitalize due to re-infection. Moreover, operations were continued to be performed for Vy's bladder enlargement at the 600-bed Hospital in which Thien Nhan & Friends Program were introduced to her family. Specifically, Vy was diagnosed with multiple defects, and she had a gender identity of female but had 2 uterus and needed surgery to shape the urethra as well as to separate urinary and anus' passageway.

The surgeries however had not thoroughly cured Tuyet Vy's disease. Although she had undergone 6 surgeries including 2 8-hour surgeries, her urine still seeps into the anus. Having had to wear diapers, take medicines, suffer  illnesses and surgeries continuously for more than 3 years makes her look like a 2-year-old. Tuyet Vy's mother takes care of her in a rented house because she can't hire anyone to take care of her daughter, which is a struggle because she cannot go to work, so they have to rely on the father's income. As Vy's condition is still complicated and unstable, her family needs at least 2 surgeries to reconstruct the urethra and reposition the bladders.

Let's show Vy that there are still more caring, loving and supportive people willing to build her a better future. 


Together we are rushing to promote this campaign with the goal of bringing .

This is an urgent campaign at the moment. Let's join hands to be able to timely support for difficult situations.

MỤC TIÊU: $70000000

Donation Target


Đã cập nhập đến ngày 2024/09/25






