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Actor Hoang Xuan buys paintings to support Thien Nhan fund

On the afternoon of September 27, actress  Hoang Xuan  attended an exhibition and auction of children's paintings in the program Draw a fairy launched by Thien Nhan's mother and daughter to raise funds for charity.

The actress appeared in a casual outfit. She carefully watched every activity of the ceremony.

Although these are all paintings by young artists, the colors and layout of the paintings are very natural and impressive.

Hoang Xuan especially paid attention to the painting of a goldfish with rather abstract colors. She was the first to open the auction by bidding for this painting.

Although this is the work of an amateur child artist, Hoang Xuan generously paid 5 million VND to own the painting.

The actress said that Little Hedgehog - her first daughter - really wanted to go to this exhibition, but she was sick so she couldn't go. Baby Hedgehog asked his mother to buy this painting and promised to beat the pig he saved to pay for his mother.

To please her daughter and also to support the Thien Nhan fund and friends, Hoang Xuan decided to pay a high price to own the painting.

Since the 1990s, Hoang Xuan has been famous on the catwalk. However, she was "charming" in cinema and left a deep impression on the audience through 2 films The Girl  Bangkok and The Intelligence General and Two Wives.

After getting married and having children, Hoang Xuan rarely participates in artistic activities. In 2015, she returned to the small screen with a small role in the movie "White Horse Prince".

Not often participating in art activities, but Hoang Xuan very enthusiastically supports charity projects, especially the program Thien Nhan and friends.

The actress shared that she especially loved and admired the "lead soldier" Thien Nhan. Touched by the healing and charitable journey of Thien Nhan and her daughter, Hoang Xuan used her name and ability to call for donations and personally support the fund.

Theo Young World

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Actor Hoang Xuan buys paintings to support Thien Nhan fund

  • Date: 28/09/2016
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  • Entry: FREE

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