
Make Quynh Anh a rightful male boy

Make Quynh Anh a rightful male boy

Quynh Anh was born on May 11th, 2018 in Quang Nam province. Her family'd noticed about Quynh Anh's abnormalities at birth; They took her for chromosome analysis test when she was only 1 month old and came to realize that the baby was diagnosed with congenital DSD (Disorder of Sexual Development). She grows up normally just like anybody else, but if not being thoroughly treated in time, it is feared that this disease can have negative impact on Quynh Anh's physical health and mental health in her future life.

At the beginning of March 2020, Quynh Anh had had testicular surgery at the 600-bed Hospital. The doctor told that the surgery's undercut must be performed at the exact position with high accuracy, so the child's condition was very complicated, and the 600-bed Hospital could not perform a risk-free intervention; Therefore, they recommended to the family to register for a check up at the Thien Nhan & Friends Program of which the family keeps on the journey to bring their child back to the real gender. At the age of 18 months old, Quynh Anh had already had laparoscopic surgery once and a second operation when she was nearly 2 years old, but the operations couldn't have cured her completely. In a matter of speaking, it's a long journey for the whole family in general and Quynh Anh in particular.

Quynh Anh is the second child in a family of four living together in a rented house. The father had to take on being the main labor in the family with farming to help his wife, whose job was unstable in terms of workflow as a former worker - mainly due to the birth giving of Quynh Anh.

That's life, but no parent'd not leave their children: no one could have stood looking at their children suffering pain and guild. Therefore, they still hope and try to find a cure for Quynh Anh to live a healthy, normal life like any other child. Because life is uncertain, hope is still only hope.

Let's show Quynh Anh that there are still more caring, loving and supportive people willing to build her a better future.


Together we are rushing to promote this campaign with the goal of delivering. This is an urgent campaign at the moment. Let's join hands to be able to timely support for difficult situations.


Donation Target


Đã cập nhập đến ngày 2024/09/25






