
Help aid the traumatic life of the girl born with the weight of 1.6kg

Help aid the traumatic life of the girl born with the weight of 1.6kg

Trinh was born in 2017 in the renowned Western area of Vietnam for its immense coconut forest - Ben Tre province. In contrast to the romantic scenario of the land is Trinh's fragile life; Due to her premature birth, she has a weak body, weight of only 1.6kg, and often gets fever. In fact, her parents are deeply worried of him, because it's not about his weight or the fever, it's a journey to give Trinh Vy the healthy and normal life that she deserves.

His parents took Trinh to see a doctor at Children's Hospital 1, but they didn't find out about the disease until Trinh'd been examined at Children's Hospital 2 in which she was diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux and hydrocephalus. Trinh has to be operated to bring the bladder to the skin, so now she urinates a little lower the navel line. However, the exposed bladder made her painful and itchy, and she had been suffering it for 2 to 3 years since she was born. If we try to put ourselves in her shoes, it had been terrible to have a part of the body is not being covered by skin, is constantly exposed to the outside environment and the weather is hot again. it will lead to unpleasant, itchy situations, and sometimes infectiousness. Up to now, I am retarded, lack of understanding, now more than 3 years old, but I cannot walk, cry, do not look, cannot speak and be dumb, and give toys to only look and not hold.

Difficulty is more difficult when the grandfather has a stroke, the old grandmother only takes care of him, Trinh's mother stays at home to take care of his children, Bo Trinh becomes the main laborer in the house, one body takes care of the family and takes care of his father and mother. wife and children. Such circumstances also made Father Trinh discouraged many times, but each time he encouraged himself and tried to overcome it, Trinh's father confided, “At times like that, I think that my family will try harder. Try harder, if I fall, who will take care of my family ”

The family's greatest wish is to cure Trinh like many other children, play, run, dance ...

So poetic Ben Tre land is but there is no shortage of difficult situations. To help Trinh, each person only needs to contribute at least one golden pig, and Momo can convert 70,000,000 VND, which is enough for her to continue the next surgery steps. Please give me the belief that good people are still around, can still hug me and contribute to me for a future Trinh will have a normal life and not suffer much pain.


Together we are rushing to promote this campaign with the goal of bringing. This is an urgent campaign at the moment. Let's join hands to be able to timely support for difficult situations.


Donation Target


Đã cập nhập đến ngày 2024/09/25






