
Help free Hoang An from travelling back and forth to the hospital

Help free Hoang An from travelling back and forth to the hospital

Hoang An was born in 2018 in Da Nang, he was diagnosed with congenital herniated marrow as a birth defect, which was a rare disease. At birth, she had a small scar on the tailbone that the hospital doctor had to retain her for further diagnostic tests, and they found that she'd caught a disease called herniated marrow, but she was too young by that time so they sent her home for following check-ups.

The family observed that nothing'd been wrong with Hoang An until 14 months old did she have a fever. He was taken to the hospital for X-rays, examination and thereby transferred to Children's Hospital 2 in which he had CT and photosensitive scans, bladder measurement, kidney scans, and procedures for his treatment. In the first 14 months, she had been to several clinics with all kinds of machines, and tests. At 14 months old, she had to lie on the operating bed at Children's Hospital 2 to tighten her hernia, and, only in just a few months later after the operation, Hoang An often had fever and urinary infection, so her mother had to uncirculated the catheter for Hoang An at home as everything turned out better. Every 3 hours, Hoang An's mother had catheterization for the baby and prepared him all kinds of night-time preventive antibiotics. Hoang An often has to be hospitalized in 2 weeks if it's critical and 1 week otherwise. About the medical expenses, they still need to borrow relatives, but it is not sure when Hoang An can completely recover and take over his own personal living activities.

Having had been carrying the rare disease for several years has made Hoang An get used to it so much that he can remember specific time for the catheterization; He even knew to lie down and call for his father "Dad, can you help change my tube?", or each time Hoang An wanted to urinate but no one had catheterized the tube, he shouted "It hurts so much, Dad! Can you help catherize me? And please be gentle, too".

So far, Hoang An's condition is stable, but his urination is not strong leading to remained urinary flowing out slowly, so he needs someone to help him. The family only hopes to have good doctors to help cure their child.

Hoang An's mother sells goods in the market that finances the family just enough to live through the day. However, her son's illness does not progress day by day; The parents can count on a miracles.

"I just hope that there is a foreign group of professional doctors that is specialized in treating my child's disease so that he can attend school and have normal activities like many other children - no matter how much it cost" Hoang An's mother shared. She sacrificed her efforts for the sake of her child's healthy life just like any parent's expectation who have kids, but, for Hoang An, it's gonna be a long journey...

Let's show Hoang An that there are still more caring, loving and supportive people willing to build her a better future.


Together we are rushing to promote this campaign with the goal of bringing. This is an urgent campaign at the moment. Let's join hands to be able to timely support for difficult situations.


Donation Target


Đã cập nhập đến ngày 2024/09/25






