Italian doctor receives Vietnam National Volunteer Award 2015

Professor - Doctor Roberto Decastro - Former Head of Pediatric Surgery Department, Bologna City Hospital, Italy - is one of the 9 typical faces awarded the Vietnam National Volunteer Award 2015.

In response to the International Day of Volunteers on the evening of December 5, in Hanoi, the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the United Nations Volunteers Program (UNV) jointly held the 2015 National Volunteer Award Ceremony.

This is an annual activity organized by the Central Youth Union and the United Nations Volunteers Program (UNV) to honor voluntary individuals and organizations with outstanding contributions and achievements in volunteering for the community. contribute to the cause of national construction and defense.
After 5 years of organization, the National Volunteer Award has received the attention and support of a large number of young people and people all walks of life.

The 2015 National Volunteer Award was awarded to 12 groups and 9 outstanding individuals, including Professor Roberto Decastro, Italian nationality - Pediatric urologist; Former Head of Pediatric Surgery Department, Hospital of Bologna, Italy.

Since 2011, Dr. DeCastro has cooperated with the program "Ten Nhan and friends" to perform 160 surgeries and provide free consultation and examination for more than 600 cases.

Professor Roberto Decastro, Pediatric Urologist; Former head of pediatric surgery department, Hospital of Lombardy, Italy - who collaborated with the program "Ten Nhan and friends" to perform 160 surgeries and visits for Vietnamese patients. He was awarded the Vietnam National Volunteer Award in 2015.

The 2015 National Volunteer Award also gathers many domestic individuals and collectives who have made great contributions to the community such as: Mr. Nguyen The Tieng, born in 1992, a student of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education has accumulated actively participated in the Exam Season Relay program at the volunteer team of Mien Dong Bus Station for the past 5 years, serving about 1000 candidates, and nearly 600 parents in the annual college-university competition; Ms. Nguyen Thai Thanh, born in 1991, Director of Thanh Nguyen Beauty Technology Joint Stock Company, Hanoi. Although she is deaf, 2011 to now, not only training and creating jobs for 15 deaf people, Ms. Thanh also actively participates in charity activities...

“The Exam Season Relay is a short program, but the value it brings is immediate for the candidates. This program has been going on for 19 years and has attracted more than 1 million volunteers.

I’m just the luckiest person to receive the award today. I think this award is a great encouragement for me and my volunteers in the next time of my activities", Mr. Nguyen The Tieng shared.

Typical volunteer examples shared at the 2015 National Volunteer Awards ceremony

At the National Volunteer Award ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Phi Long, Secretary of the Central Youth Union, Chairman of the Vietnam Youth Union praised and uated the achievements and contributions of collectives and individuals to the community. youth volunteer movement. Mr. Nguyen Phi Long said:

“In the context of extensive development and integration, creating conditions for the development and building of Vietnamese youths rich in patriotism and ambition is one of the decisive factors for the country’s sustainable development. .

Youth Unions and Associations at all levels need to promote network action movements, promote the role of youth volunteering, creating favorable conditions and orientations for clubs, teams and volunteer groups to operate. activities, support legal proceedings and connect volunteer sites.

Youth members further promote their bravery, intelligence, creativity, dynamism and volunteering spirit so that the youth volunteer movement will always be the pride of Vietnamese youth."

Mai Cham

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