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Precious books from army generals, comedian Xuan Bac and journalist Tran Mai Anh, delight teachers and students in Dat To

Must build a library that really becomes the "heart" of the school

The first school in Phu Tho province to be selected by the "Give 1 book" project is Thang Son Secondary School, Thanh Son district. The forerunner of this school is Hoang Dieu secondary school - one of the two earliest schools in the education sector of Thanh Son district.

Thang Son Secondary School was separated  Thang Son High School in 1999 and is now the school where students in neighboring communes of Huong Can cluster study. This is one of the schools that are uated with a long history in the educational career of Thanh Son district and Phu Tho province.

Thang Son Secondary School, Thanh Son District, Phu Tho.

Sharing with us about the situation of teaching and learning, as well as the orientations on reading culture, Mr. Nguyen Hai Nam - Principal of Thang Son Secondary School said that Thang Son is a commune with a large area, not a concentrated population. The school is far away, so it is difficult for them to go to school, especially on rainy and cold days.

As a commune in the flood-retarded area of ​​Phu Tho province, in the years there was no water treatment of the Da River, in the rainy season it was like a small island. People's economy is still facing many difficulties, so the socialization work for library construction is still limited.

However, in the development orientation of the University, priority is always given to building a library system with basic conditions in terms of facilities to organize activities well.

We always orient, assign tasks to the library work, must be built to become the "heart" of the school

Mr. Nam assessed that the program of giving books and establishing a Living Book Club is very practical: "Please accept the gifts and hearts of those who have built this 1 BOOK CONTRIBUTION project. us a new breeze, a new vitality, arousing the spirit of learning and reading for our children.This activity will help the library and the school's book resources become richer and better. ".
Precious book and life lessons   journalist Tran Mai Anh

At each program, in addition to giving books and establishing a Living Book Club, there are indispensable interesting and useful stories and invaluable life lessons. That is what makes the Donate 1 book program unlike any other book donation program.

In the inspirational part about reading culture, teachers and students in Thang Son heard very enthusiastic sharing  journalist Bui Ngoc Hai - Director of Soha.vn, Project Manager of Contributing 1 book.

After sharing very passionately about reading culture and life lessons, journalist Bui Ngoc Hai presented books to students of Thang Son Secondary School.

Today, after Mr. Hai's stories, the students here also have the opportunity to meet, exchange and talk with Journalist Tran Mai Anh - who is loved by many people by his beloved name. She is the "fairy lady", the adoptive mother of many babies who have been helped and carried by her sister.

The students went  nervous and excited with journalist Mai Anh's story-telling, and also touched and deeply admired the immense heart of "Mother Thien Nhan", with Thien Nhan journeys forever. extended.

The stories of journalist Tran Mai Anh about the lead soldiers Thien Nhan, Son "green pot" attracted the attention of the students.

And the special message that Journalist Tran Mai Anh sends to the children is: "Nurture your dreams and read books every day. In the books that you receive today, maybe you will meet them. their dreams in it, the books will help guide the way for them.

Here, the publication  "Love Journey: Diary of Thien Nhan" - a special book by Ms. Tran Mai Anh was signed by the author and awarded to the luckiest student.

Ha Hoang Long, grade 9A, Thang Son Secondary School received the book "Love Journey: Thien Nhan Diary" signed by author Tran Mai Anh.

"I hope to meet Uncle Xuan Bac one day."

At Thang Son Secondary School, the project "Contribute 1 book" awarded 625 books (out of a total of 216 students). In particular, this program has spread widely, so it has received special attention  parents, teachers and individuals and organizations in the commune.

Here, the program has realized the book dream of the students. Through hundreds of votes, the organizers selected the 25 best and most interesting wishes to receive gifts  teachers and parents.

Besides, two most special books were given to the two luckiest students.

Sách quý từ tướng lĩnh quân đội, danh hài Xuân Bắc và nhà báo Trần Mai Anh, làm nức lòng thầy trò ở vùng Đất Tổ - Ảnh 6.
Journalist Phan Thi Thu Hien - Head of the News Department, Phu Tho Radio and Television Station, on behalf of Dinh Cong Phong (grade 6B), the book Vietnam History signed by Vice Admiral Do Xuan Cong - former Tu Command of the Navy.

Student Tran Thi Thu Trang, class 9A: Very happy and surprised to receive the book of artist Xuan Bac:

"I thank Uncle Xuan Bac for giving me this autograph and I don't know when I will see you again. I am very happy and happy to receive your signed book. I hope to meet you one day. ".

Sách quý từ tướng lĩnh quân đội, danh hài Xuân Bắc và nhà báo Trần Mai Anh, làm nức lòng thầy trò ở vùng Đất Tổ - Ảnh 7.
Student Tran Thi Thu Trang (9A) and a book signed by artist Xuan Bac.

Sách quý từ tướng lĩnh quân đội, danh hài Xuân Bắc và nhà báo Trần Mai Anh, làm nức lòng thầy trò ở vùng Đất Tổ - Ảnh 8.
Mr. Dinh Duc Thien - Deputy Head of Education and Training Department of Thanh Son district. Mr. Dinh Duc Thien - Deputy Head of Education and Training Department of Thanh Son district shared: Thanh Son Education and Training Industry is fortunate to receive interest Soha's project of Contributing 1 book. The way you organize a program is really very attractive, very creative, attractive. Usually in school libraries we still hold reading introductions, but the way of doing it is still the old way... Especially today, the talk of two journalists opened the minds of students. This program is very professional, the gift book has very attractive content, very high quality.

From a professional perspective, in the coming time, we will direct Thang Son Secondary School to fully exploit these donated books. In particular, this is a school where the Principal and librarian are very interested in the development of the library and reading culture in the school, and always try to turn their heads so that all students of the School can read all the books. this precious book.

The program "GET 1 BOOK" would like to thank:

- Vice Admiral Do Xuan Cong - former Commander of the Navy signed the book.

- Artist Xuan Bac signed books for the program.

- Journalist Tran Mai Anh accompanied the program.

- MC Nguyen Tra My accompanied the program.
- The Association of Buddhist Practitioners in Buon Ma Thuot donated 2,200 books on Taoism as Children in this batch. At Thang Son Secondary School, the project of Contributing 1 book gave 214 books to 214 students of the whole school.

- Ms. Phan Thi Thu Hien - Head of News Department - Phu Tho High School attended and presented books to Thang Son students.

- Leader of Department of Education and Training of Thanh Son district; Leaders of Thang Son Commune People's Committee and parents attended the program.

- The Management Board of Thang Son Secondary School has successfully organized the program with them.

According to the Law and Readers

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Precious books from army generals, comedian Xuan Bac and journalist Tran Mai Anh, delight teachers and students in Dat To

  • Date: 15/11/2020
  • Time:
  • Location: Thang Son Secondary School, Thanh Son District, Phu Tho
  • Entry: FREE

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