Journalist Tran Mai Anh: "I and Thien Nhan must save our tears and pain. Because no one suffers for us."

My mother and I live very frugally. The first is to save tears. Never cry when feeling sad. Because after crying, I was extremely tired, but that suffering I still had to go through, no one suffered for me. Exhausted, but even more painful.

In the morning, at Hoa Sen University, an inspirational talk for young people -WeTalk was held with the message Live calm.
Opening the sharing with the topic "Because I'm alive", journalist Tran Mai Anh told a story about Thien Nhan's calm before the pain of the surgery that changed his life, then  That chance, hundreds of other children have also changed their lives.
Thien Nhan - the ill-fated infant 11 years ago miraculously survived 72 hours in the forest when a part of his body was eaten by a wild animal.
Today's story of Thien Nhan is no longer tears of sadness, but completely brings a more cheerful color. And here are the stories and feelings that Ms. Tran Mai Anh shared during the exchange that day

Journalist Tran Mai Anh is the founder and coordinator of the program "Thien Nhan and friends". At this year's WeTalk, Ms. Mai Anh will share her journey with 1,000 records of children waiting to change their fate that she and her colleagues are trying to create miracles every day for them.
The story of Thien Nhan, everyone knows, right  the moment he was born, he was eaten by animals and lost a lot of his body with 75% injury. Thien Nhan to live today must be very calm.
Thien Nhan's heaviest surgery lasted 9-10 hours in Italy to reconstruct the entire genitalia of his son. After that lifeless surgery, the moment the doctor started cutting the bandages, the pain was unbearable.
I was very afraid, Nhan's pain spread to both her mother and those around her. But Nhan was still lying motionless on the table for the doctor to cut the bandages, sweating profusely but he didn't say a word and didn't cry.
Then I asked Nhan: Human! Why were you so calm then? Doesn't it hurt?
Nhan said:  I was in a lot of pain, but at that time, I cried and shouted to die, the doctors cut the beautiful bird and my mother lost 1 and a half billion.
There are moments in life that force us to go through with the most equanimity. At that time it was not slow living, but calm to live, calm to go through the moments of life where we had no other choice. The only way is to take the steps to make the pain less painful.
The same goes for Thien Nhan's journey, we went through this life calmly and calmly, but not completely carefree. Because no one is so innocent as to be indifferent to life and death. That's why you always see Thien Nhan as a smiling boy, a face that is always cheerful and excited.

I think every moment in life is a rush moment. I came here with you guys in a hurry, and after finishing this conversation I moved on to a new scene. But call it a calm life? Have. Because every moment where I stand, I experience it to the fullest.
I remember one time when I was a kid, I broke my mom's thermometer, and the mercury splashed on the ground. I went to collect them all and they finally fused into one. Later when I grow up, I see that each person's life is like tiny mercury beads.
If I look closely in the sun or in the dark, I can see there are glittering rays, if I hurry, I can't see it.
In this journey,  a baby Thien Nhan, there have been many other children. And every unfortunate fate in this life has meaning, it is always the beginning of another story.
So I never thought that I would close my life. After the surgery, Thien Nhan and I opened our lives to welcome other children. And continues to unfold the stories of babies who need other surgeries.
There are thousands of babies waiting to rebuild their genitals so they can go to school. I share here not to let you love those children but to let you understand that making a journey like we are going is extremely interesting, not hard at all.
Because I choose to live my life doing what I like. Every time I meet a person who experiences a new life, I see life opening up in a new perspective.
Thien Nhan taught me many things. Nhan has always been a very optimistic person. People often ask: "Why do you have one leg?" . Nhan calmly replied: "I had an accident". I think people are always suffering with their unhappiness, that makes life go by too fast, I can't grasp it.
My mother and I live very frugally. The first is to save tears. Never cry when feeling sad. Because I'm so tired after crying, but that pain I still have to go through, no one suffers for me. Exhaustion is exhausting, but even more painful

And save the pain too. There are things that I think are better, but I will choose whether to do or not. For example, Nhan is currently on crutches, many people say that I help so many children, why not help my son have a prosthetic leg.
With the mentality of a mother, I dream of my child running really fast. I can totally do prosthetics, but can I? Are not.
Because Thien Nhan was eaten by an animal, it was very tall, so to install such a prosthetic leg, it is necessary to have a saw to increase the height of the remaining bone, each cut is a painful time. That pain took years to build up enough bone to clamp a prosthetic leg in.
Will I pay my life with that dream, with that pain? Should not. It's a way that we live slowly and save our pain. Because everything in this life has a price. To achieve this comes at the expense of something else.
This life for me is full of choices, like we didn't choose a prosthetic but chose a pair of crutches. The pair of crutches is very flexible, when walking on those crutches, no one can catch up.
And you call Nhan: Golden Arrow because Nhan rushes like an arrow. Then when I rode my 3 sons on a motorbike, it was extremely difficult every time getting on the car, Nhan took a crutch to push her mother's leg very quickly, while the two brothers sitting on the car could not reach it.
I think that's what life is like. If there are 5 doors in front of me, I think it's hard to choose the best one for my life, but I can't predict that behind that door will open a better or worse place for myself. So we live every moment counts.
Humans are born with sadness, joy, anger. Every time I'm unhappy, I never complain about why I'm so unhappy. No one is born in this world with only happiness and luck. So I think that my life is so "rich" that other people can't be so miserable and happy like me. I find it very interesting and think that my life is not wasted.
Thien Nhan and Hai Minh are two brothers with a 1-year age difference. Hai Minh was given a pair of shoes on his birthday, which Nhan really liked. Only then did Hai Minh say: Your shoes, but we will share them.
So Nhan put a shoe on his foot, Hai Minh only had one, he couldn't walk anymore. At that time, Hai Minh felt... unlucky because he had two legs. Our mother and daughter laughed a lot about Nhan's moment "it's so lucky to have one leg.
I think this life is the same,  don't be too balanced, it's always disappointing, it's worth going through all levels of emotions.
Many people are afraid to do good work because they are afraid of making many sacrifices, are afraid of suffering, and do not know where to start? For me, before I can be a good person, I have to be a human. And people have to have good and bad, no one is perfect.
I keep trying to live a good life, but I accidentally forget a part of me. Helping others is the same, we keep thinking that we have to put in a lot of effort and do something great to help people. But that's not necessarily the case, the little things start to help a person.

Charity does not mean that I am redundant, I have a lot of this, I give it to others, but that I give people what they need and what I also want to give.
But it is important that kindness be regular. It's not that today "happy" is naturally good, then tomorrow is not good anymore. Just a little kindness, slowly, like a camel going through the desert, slowly going through the tiring heat to reach the final destination..

There is a memory that I will always remember that 11 years ago, at that time I was calling for a donation of 1.5 billion for Thien Nhan's surgery. Late one afternoon, a housekeeper rang the doorbell and gave me 50,000 VND to support Thien Nhan.
I invited her into the house but you definitely won't come in, because after work the clothes are quite dirty. 50,000 for her is worth many meals but 50,000 for our family is sometimes not enough for a shopping day.
But I have no right to refuse because that is the heart he gave to Thien Nhan, the great-grandchild of a person who wants to help a child live as a human and for other children.
I received that 50,000 VND and carry the responsibility until now. Perhaps the caretaker that day did not know that that small act of hers inspired me a lot, and taught me a lesson about people and emotions.

In the exchange with Thuy Minh and answer questions  the audience, Mai Anh also told a story on a winter evening in Hanoi, where her mother and daughter made cards to raise funds:
Even though he was very sleepy, his work was still incomplete and the house was in disarray. I was also depressed, but I couldn't show it in front of my children, so I told them:
- Fortunately, children, I am in a warm house like this, there are a lot of people out there who have to work in the cold.
I thought it was a normal educational lesson, but at that time, you know what Thien Nhan boy said to me?
- Come on, mom, we don't need to talk about the rich and poor education here, I just need to tell the kids to try to hurry up and go to bed.
Guys, if you want to convince others to believe what you say, you have to convince yourself first. And if I want to convince myself I don't have to be hypocritical.
As life is, it should be like that, all the beautiful things we paint are still the colors that we paint, not the natural colors of life.

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