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Son Bo Xanh - The intense vitality of a boy without an anus and genitals

Since birth, fate has been cruel to Son when he took away so many things from him that nature should have been full of. Life became more fragile than ever when the hospital returned her to her family to take care of the aftermath.

Since birth, fate has been cruel to Son when he took away so many things  him that nature should have been full of. Life became more fragile than ever when the hospital returned her to her family to take care of the aftermath. However, at the end of the road with constant effort and effort, one will see the sky ahead.

The hospital returned it to the family to take care of the aftermath

Nguyen Van Thanh Son, in 2017 he turned 10 years old, living in hamlet 5, Quy Loc commune, Yen Dinh district, Thanh Hoa province. Son was born in a poor family, whose father is Nguyen Van Du, who makes a daily living as a builder, and his mother, Phan Thi Cam Binh, because she has no job, she only stays at home to take care of her sick child. That said, Son's family's economy only depends on his father's money to work, so he is extremely poor.

Returning to Son's illness, the day Son was born, heaven and earth were wobbly, the doctor advised the family to bring the child back to take care of the afterlife because Son was considered dead. Because when spawning, the entire lower part of Son opens completely.
Son has severe genital malformation with open abdominal wall manifestations with a clearly visible bladder. The boy did not even have an anus, no external genitalia, urination and defecation in the same way, exiting through a small hole in the abdominal wall. Not only that, Son doesn^t even have an inguinal skeleton...

With such a defective newborn body with so many parts of the body, no matter how hard the doctors tried, it would only happen overnight. However, Son's parents did not accept the arrangement of fate. They struggle in despair with the thought that modern medicine is increasingly developing, maybe their child will be saved one day in the not too distant future.

Hope and despair were intertwined, as Mr. Du and his wife received more and more advice  professionals that they should not waste time treating their children, save money to take care of the aftermath.

However, over the years, Son's parents have never lost hope and lost their love for their little child. They, with the money they work for and with little knowledge, are still searching day in and day out, looking for places where they can treat their children.
In 2007, his parents took Son to cross thousands of kilometers into the city. HCM to perform surgery to separate the urinary and defecation tracts by creating a prosthesis on the left side abdominal wall and inserting the bladder into the abdomen.

Sadly, the result of the surgery was not as expected, after a while Son's bladder was revealed again. Because Son does not have an inguinal skeleton to hold the bladder in the body. This also makes him unable to walk normally like other children.

After 2 years, Son continued to have surgery for the second time. This time, the doctors put the anus in the right natural position, but after the surgery, Son had urinary and bowel incontinence, causing the anus to become uncontrollable. I always had a red rash and had to sit on the potty all day. The nickname "Green Son Bo" was also officially born here.

In 2011, Son's parents "begged for help"  the program "Ten Nhan and friends", Dr. Roberto DeCastro personally examined and scheduled surgery for Son Va in June 2012. In this surgery, Son was reconstructed bladder structure.
In June 2014, Son had 4 doctors, Dr. Roberto DeCastro, Dr. Emilio Merlini, Dr. Aurelie Chiappinelli  Italy and Dr. Dinh Tue  Houston, USA, to close the abdominal wall and bladder wall. The surgery lasted 10 hours.

After restoring the abdominal wall structure and re-examination for Son in June 2016. In November 2016, the doctors continued to perform surgery for Son, the next step was to separate the digestive tract to help Son gradually control his personal hygiene. Currently, Son is still in the recovery process and will be re-examined in June 2017.

Dream of "Green Son Bo"

From the first surgery performed by the doctors of the program "Ten Nhan and friends" in 2011 until now, Son has gradually improved his health. And the name "Green Son Bo" also became familiar to everyone in the family of "Thien Nhan and friends". Son's parents are increasingly confident that their child will be cured in the future.
Journalist Tran Mai Anh - founder of the program "Thien Nhan and friends" and also the person Son often calls his mother, said that Son was a boy who suffered a lot of pain and misfortune, but in return he Very optimistic, loves life to the point of radiating life energy to the people around. And, I have a wonderful father that not any healthy, well-off child wants to have.

Ms. Tran Mai Anh once said about Son's father as follows: “If anyone could see his eyes always filled with love and proudly watching his sick son everywhere, all the time; if anyone can see the patient but full of love, care when cleaning the boy and the potty; if anyone can see a face marked with the traces of life's hardships but without resentment, without any discouragement and if anyone has ever received flashy but irresponsibility, they will agree with me. After all, all you need is a man like that.”
In addition to the love of his parents, his own efforts also helped Son stay in this life. Son often tells people about his dream of learning English well. The dream is realistic because my instincts and desire to live make me want to understand my own destiny and seize my life's opportunities.

I want to be able to tell foreign doctors about my illness myself, and listen to my own doctors to know if my disease can be cured or not. Further, I will talk about the day I was healed and cured. When I am good at English, I can help mothers talk to doctors, help babies like Son get treatment.

Oh! Great dream.

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